DOJO Workshops
DOJO Workshops are 1-hour long classes focusing on pillars of being a better athlete and a better rower. Each session, we’ll do a deep dive into a topic, demonstrate and talk about how to apply that to your rowing, and have plenty of time for questions and answers.
Hosted by Jasper Liu, 3x U.S. National Team member. About Me.
Register via the links below
Sessions will be hosted in person in Austin, Texas. Exact venue TBD depending on number of interested attendees.
There are separate sessions designed for Junior/Open athletes and Masters athletes. While you are welcome to register for any session, the content will be tuned towards each specific audience.
** Space is limited to 40 attendees per session **
While there is no fixed cost to attend, a $10-$20 donation per person is suggested to help cover the meeting space rental. Donations can be made upon registration or collected at the event.
Session Timing
2:30p - 3:30p: Juniors and Open athletes and coaches
3:45p - 4:45p: Masters athletes and coaches
All DOJO Seminars
Session 1 (Sunday, April 13): Technique
How to think about the rowing stroke, some important cues, and basic fitness/physiology.
Session 2 (Sunday, April 20): Mobility
The key to rowing well (and to living well!). Now that we know what the stroke is supposed to look and feel like, how do we get into those positions, apply the most force possible, and practice without getting injured.
Session 3 (Sunday, April 27): Nutrition and Recovery
Fueling for training and racing, the basics of weight management (for lightweights or for life), and the best ways to recover after training (with an emphasis on sleep).

DOJO Seminar 1: Technique
Session 1 of a 3-part series.
Session 1 (Saturday, April 12): Technique
How to think about the rowing stroke, some important cues, and basic fitness/physiology.

DOJO Seminar 2: Mobility
Session 2 of a 3-part series.
Session 2 (Saturday, April 19): Mobility
The key to rowing well (and to living well!). Now that we know what the stroke is supposed to look and feel like, how do we get into those positions, apply the most force possible, and practice without getting injured.
DOJO Seminar 3: Nutrition and Recovery
Session 3 of a 3-part series.
Session 3 (Saturday, April 26): Nutrition and Recovery
Fueling for training and racing, the basics of weight management (for lightweights or for life), and the best ways to recover after training (with an emphasis on sleep).